Get Early Adopters: Beta Launch

Publicize your beta throughout BetaTesting and recruit 250 - 1,000 early adopters. Build your community of testers and advocates, and re-engage them any time through Pay as You Go tests on BetaTesting.

Limited time: Get 500 testers for just $1,245

product usage image

Describe your product and provide a link. We then promote your product through our platform and send direct emails to our audience.


We guarantee every user checks out your product and provides quick feedback and first impressions.


Re-engage your audience through "Pay as You Go" tests on BetaTesting for feedback and user research.

Get 250 - 1,000 early adopters to check out your product & join your tester community

  • Define your target countries and device platforms, and provide a link to your product. The link must be publicly accessible. It can be pre-launch or post.
  • We promote your product, and interested users join your tester community. We guarantee that each user checks out your product and provides feedback and first impressions.
  • Real people using real-world devices.
collect AI data running person

Get feedback from every user, with automated AI insights built-in

  • Each user completes a simple survey including an NPS rating (likelihood to recommend), and open-ended text (likes, dislikes, suggestions, ideas).
  • Sentiment analysis and AI summarization makes it easy to digest results
  • Automated key topic grouping (with sentiment)
  • Word clouds
  • Share with your team online, print, or export to PDF or spreadsheet.
survey template options

Testers can submit bug reports for any issues they encounter.

  • BetaTesting includes a simple bug management platform for your team. Manage bugs on BetaTesting, or integrate with Jira or export to spreadsheet.
  • No need to integrate any software or SDK into your app.
  • Collect bug reports with screenshots, videos, and device information.
  • Smart AI automatically de-duplicates your bug list.
'Bug Reports' widget

Re-engage testers in the future for robust testing & research with "Pay as You Go" tests on BetaTesting

  • BetaTesting includes a wide variety of test types for in-depth beta testing & user research.
  • Retarget select testers in your community using 100+ targeting criteria and custom screening surveys with BetaTesting's Pay-as-You-Go model.
  • Pricing averages $22 / tester (depending on test type, target audience, and test duration)
Re-engage testers

Get Started Free now and start getting users + feedback + data + answers in hours.