Easily recruit testers that meet your demographic, interest, and device requirements.
Test over days, weeks, or even months with multiple test cycles.
Improve your product with beta testing, functional testing, or user experience feedback.
Use our tester recruiting tools to target the right mix of users and device configurations. Collect feedback and ensure your Mac or Windows app functions flawlessly.
Review features & screenshotsTest your app on real desktops over the course of days or weeks, spanning multiple product updates and bug fixes along the way.
Take a sample testGet quality bug reports across various OS versions and devices. Our bug management system makes it easy to manage bugs through BetaTesting or your team's favorite tool.
Review sample deliverablesGet usability feedback for custom test processes in the real world.
Decrease churn rate or bounces and retain more users organically.
Get more orders, subscriptions, and in-app purchases.
Learn how users interpret your communications and app store listings.
Test two different app experiences and compare the results.
Get clear answers and resolve internal disputes with actionable data.
Get unbiased opinions from users that have nothing at stake.
Test your new build in the real-world and ensure the major functions still work.
Track NPS with new users as you continue to iterate on your app.
Get feedback on first impressions and learn how users first experience your app.
The easy way to recruit testers and get quality real-world engagement data and user feedback.